I have been anticipating this style evolution, given my recent move from Washington back to my home state of California, and all the lifestyle, weather and self-confidence shifts that come along with.
Add to that being married now for a year, and my 29th birthday coming up this weekend, its easy to see how I’m a different person (inside) and want that reflected on the outside.
Where am I at now, mentally, and what does that mean for my style?
I’m generally in a really good place. Through mindfulness, sunshine, regular exercise, and supportive friends & family, I feel the most relaxed I’ve been since maybe, middle school? Of course I have moments of anxiety, fear, etc., but these days I feel pretty equipped to tackle whatever life has in store for me.
A result of this personal maturation is that I no longer want to do *the most* with my outfits. Of course, I care about personal style, how I present myself, and aesthetics, generally, but my previously white-knuckle grip on what I wear seems to have loosened. I’ve always worn athleisure items mixed in with my casual wear, (just part of the Bay Area / Pacific Northwest lifestyle) but it’s always bothered me. As if I was doing something wrong by wearing clothing practical for the weather and/or my lifestyle. Because my formative teen & college years aligned with the absolutely over-the-top styles of the 2010s, however, my definition of “style” has looked a lot like this:
Thanks to Gen Z, evolving trends, and the lasting effects of COVID, though, I think we all have permission to just chill out a little with our style, if we want to.
To be clear, I still really like this outfit, and many aspects of 2016 dressing. Its fun and funky without being too over-the-top. But, working fully from home and otherwise leaving the house most often to exercise, I rarely have a good reason to dress like this.
More importantly, I don’t desire to dress like this anymore.
I no longer feel that I need to put on a quasi “going out outfit” every time I leave the house to be “stylish.”
All that said, what is my vibe now?
Generally, I’m leaning into an earthier, more relaxed vibe
Even the highly simplified moodboard I created speaks to where I’m at. In the past, my moodboards had about a million different looks, which always felt a bit confusing when it came to guiding my purchases or deciding what to declutter.
This time, everything works pretty much just as well for WFH as it would a nice dinner with friends. And the generally more relaxed aesthetic can handle a little athleisure in the form of a puffer coat or more technical shoe, should the occasion arise.
I also let myself part with things I’ve been holding onto but haven’t been wearing since the move, and almost immediately felt lighter. Plus, parting with things that aren’t working can alleviate the distraction of the wrong thing.
But a lot has stayed the same, too!
Committing to my highly-simplified color palette, mostly blues, white, taupe, with hints of pink, green and periwinkle
Almost daily wear of white crew neck tops / tees, on their own or layered with cardigans or under thick knits
Love affair with jumpsuits and ankle-grazing dresses/skirts
What else has changed?
Full-length > cropped pants
Flats > heels
Oversized > fitted jackets
Less-structured bags
Committing to monochromatic dressing - which requires buying clothing within a restricted palette
And in my actual wardrobe, what does this look like?
Now, this is very California of me. But, I think I can get away with light layers like this for most of the winter, barring the rainy days - which could simply require a beanie or an umbrella!

On my (short) wish list:
Flared-leggings in taupe or brown, I ordered the largest size from Beyond Yoga, I’m hoping they fit.
I probably won’t but I’m obsessed with the idea of this burgundy Cuyana bag. Maybe it’s all I ask for Christmas?
A second pair (technically my third ever) of Nike Killshots - I just love them.
This fun blue wool beanie, which I’ve tried on a few times and haven’t bought yet.
White, crewneck, slim-fit, ribbed tops
Maybe a fuzzy cardigan similar to the one on the moodboard.
How are you feeling about style right now?
Let me know in the comments!